Natural Help For Insomnia

Need help with Insomnia? Looking to avoid medication use?

Good news! There is a virtually unknown and natural approach to helping with insomnia. This approach has been helping people for a long time without harmful drugs that have side-effects.

The approach consists of the use of Chiropractic in order to regulate how the body gets to sleep and stays asleep. Here’s how it works:

The brain is the master control computer of the body. It regulates every single thing that happens including the process of sleep. The brain sends signals down the spinal cord and across the miles of nerves that are in your body. These signals change the way that your body is functioning so that you can go to sleep. Remember, sleep is a very important and intricate thing. we need to sleep because that is when the brain has a chance to repair our bodies and do necessary maintenance that keeps us going.

Did you know that if you don’t sleep, you will die? It’s true. Sleep is so vital to our health that we can actually die if our body’s cells and tissues aren’t regenerated during regular, quality sleep.

There are a lot of ways to try to get quality sleep like meditating and deep breathing techniques. The least desirable way is through the use of medications. These don’t fix the problem, they just cover it up. The real problem with sleeping pills is that they have dangerous side-effects such as death! How many famous or non-famous people have you heard of that died from taking sleeping pills? Recently, the actor Heath Ledger died from such an overdose.

Obviously, a natural approach is the best way to go and that is where Chiropractic comes in. Chiropractic uses your body’s innate healing system to regulate sleep. The way this works is simple: since your brain uses your nerves to send signals to tell all the body parts to shut down for sleep, it is vitally important that those lines of communication stay open. What happens is that exposure to stress causes everyone’s spines to fall subtly out of alignment. These subtle misalignments causes “short-circuits” to develop right where the soft nerves exit the hard bony protection of the spine. This is where the trained Chiropractor comes in. The Chiropractor is the only health care professional trained to detect and correct these misalignments. The Chiropractor will perform a gentle “adjustment” in order to remove the misalignments and restore normal function in the body so that you can sleep.

This approach is extremely safe and effective for kids and adults. People living in or around Troy, Michigan have access to Daniel Farkas, DC who is a trained and experienced Chiropractor. “The number one thing people report back to me after their first life-changing adjustment is that they sleep better” Dr. Farkas says.

In addition, Chiropractic can help people get off and stay off many unwanted medications. It’s all about normal function which comes from the brain. Everyone wants to function normally right?

If this idea is new to you, don’t feel isolated. As time goes by and people learn more about the natural solutions to many problems previously treated with medication, more and more folks will know about natural alternatives for their health. Right now, people are learning the newest and best ways to get and stay healthy naturally.

Lets us help you find a trained Chiropractor near you so that you can get natural help for insomnia. Find us at Back to Health Chiropractic Center in Troy, Michigan 48098. Give us a call at 248-952-1900 or check our website out at www. We have a nation-wide network of doctors that can help you get started to getting a great night’s sleep.

Here is a drug-free approach to fighting cancer

cancer, troy chiropractor, drug free cancer treatment, daniel farkas

“Killing Cancer”

-Meet your unknown ally against cancer

Wherever you live, you have an ally that lives inside your body that identifies and kills cancer cells. In fact, you have at least 100-10,000 cancer cells in your body right now. Your body’s immune system is killing them off before they increase and take over tissues and systems in your body. That’s what cancer does, it takes over.

You do have a friend that lives inside your body and coordinates the war against cancer cells in your body. It is called the nervous system and it is composed of your brain, spinal cord and the miles of nerves that course throughout your entire body. The nervous system is the wire communication system that your brain uses to identify bad guys like cancer cells. I said “wire communication system” because that is exactly what your nerves act like. They are simply wires that relay information back to your brain and it is along these wires that the identities of cancer cells are made known to your brain.

Once your brain identifies the enemy, it then swings into action and sends its own army to attack the invader. Imagine how important it is for that “wire communication system” to be functioning at 100%. Doesn’t it make sense to take steps in order to ensure that there are no “short-circuits” along the way in this “wire communication system?”

Good news, you have another ally in the fight against cancer and it is your Chiropractor. You might not know but your Chiropractor is the only type of health care provider trained to detect and to correct these short circuits so that the enemy cells can be identified and eliminated. Not all Chiropractors concern themselves with this deep of an approach to helping people but gratefully the doctor at Back to Health Chiropractic Center in Troy, Michigan is experienced at this type of care.

Don’t forget: the body heals itself and can fight its own battles effectively IF and only if it is at 100% of its potential to do so. You don’t have to have neck pain or low back pain in order to have pressure on your nerves that affects your nervous and immune systems.  By keeping the pressure off the wire communication system, you can not only feel good but you can also HEAL great! No matter where you are at with your health, this approach works every time to make things be the best they can be. Tell a friend.

When is drug-free healthcare the best idea?

When Is Drug-Free Health Care Appropriate?

-Daniel Farkas, DC Troy, MI

No one would argue that our country, states and cities are over-medicated. Here in the United States, we represent about 7% of the world’s population yet we consume nearly 70% of the world supply of pharmaceuticals. This is due to heavy marketing and our free-market society. This “over-medication” has resulted in sky-rocketing rates of diseases, disappointments, addictions and an overall health-care crisis.

Drug-free Health Care offers a safe alternative to traditional drug therapy for non-emergency conditions. Emergency room care only constitutes 1% of all Medical care delivered. For the remainder of cases, drug-free care is usually indicated. “Drug-Free” care comes in different forms such as natural remedies from herbs, acupuncture, meditation and especially Chiropractic. Chiropractic heals the body naturally by simply removing pressure on nerves that acts as a “short-circuit” preventing normal healing and pain reduction in the body. It is safe for people of all ages, is routinely used to help newborn babies thrive and is also used to help adolescents and adults function at their health potential.

Most importantly, the above-mentioned natural and highly effective non-drug treatments are non-toxic and non-addictive. Sadly, it has become common for injured adults as well as children to become addicted to opiate-based pain medications. Even transient use of these sometimes necessary medications leads to addiction, gateways to other drugs such as heroin and amphetamines as well as perpetuates the sickness/pain/disease cycle that traps people into drug dependence.

In order to live a life free of drug dependence for kids and adults, seek out drug-free healthcare first. Use your trusted local resources to find experts in your community that can guide your decision making. Don’t become a statistic. Support and utilize drug-free healthcare organizations in your community and keep our kids addiction free. To get help finding a drug-free health care resource in your community, contact the nation-wide resource network at

  • The author, Dr. Daniel Farkas, DC is a Chiropractor in Troy, Michigan. He serves as a member of the Executive Board of the Troy Community Coalition whose purpose is a drug-free community.

What can help allergies naturally?

Allergies are troublesome and classic treatments have side effects. Natural alternatives are definitely the most attractive solutions.

Neck and back pain typically come to mind when you think about Chiropractic. Chiropractic does help those conditions effectively without the use of drugs but it can also help people suffering with allergies.

It is a pretty simple idea: the immune system is, of course, operated and organized by the Nervous System. The Nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord and the miles of nerves that run through every part of your body. The brain is the master computer that uses the information transmitted to it by the nerves in order to determine the best course of action to take. In this instance, the brain uses information to create a response to foreign invaders that cause allergic reactions. An allergic reaction represents a series of physical and chemical responses to the presence of a potentially harmful foreign substance in the body. The nervous system directs the immune system precisely so that the foreign invader is eliminated. The nervous system orders the immune system to use glands to produce cells that attack and kill foreign invaders. The nervous system also uses the body’s metabolic system to raise the temperature to create an unfriendly environment for the invaders.

As you see, it is all up to the nervous system to act as a general on the battle field directing the troops in order for victory to occur. Keep in mind that the nervous system is a network of “wires” that actually uses electrical impulses for communication just like any computer. The effects of stress cause our bodies to develop “short-circuits” that affect how well our nervous system works. These “short circuits” happen when the hard bones of the spine shift out of position and pinch the soft nerves as they exit out of small moveable holes on both sides of the spine at every single level. Everyone is exposed to stress that robs our bodies of energy that is used to hold us upright and without any nerve pressure. Mental stress, Chemical stress and Physical stress are the three main types of stress that affect us every day. Chiropractic’s focus is to find and eliminate these “short-circuits” so that people can have all of their organs, glands and systems functioning at 100% of a person’s potential. Just like with Dentistry, when regular Chiropractic Wellness Care is utilized, a person will be as healthy as possible due to their Nervous System being at 100%. It’s all about using your natural potential for health to its maximum capability. No other health care field addresses these “short-circuits”. All other healthcare fields only address the symptoms of “short-circuits.” Chiropractic is concerned only with locating the cause of health malfunctions. There are no drugs that remove these “short-circuits”. Drugs only treat the symptoms that accompany the “short-circuits.”

The great news is that Chiropractic is drug-free and has no side effects. It is completely safe for newborns and geriatric clients. A study actually demonstrated that Chiropractic Care increased the immunity over 6 months by 48% in a group of individuals that were HIV+. Since Chiropractic is able to help clients with HIV so well it is obvious that it can benefit people that don’t have compromised immune systems as well.

Chiropractic Care is an effective and safe way to help immune systems fight off the effects of allergies. In addition, Chiropractic Care keeps people healthy by strengthening the immune system to prevent illness. Whenever you think you want to get and stay truly well, be sure to find a qualified Chiropractor that understands the true purpose of Chiropractic which is overall wellness.